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An Explosive Pitch at Powderkeg 2023

Novilytic was one of just three startups invited to pitch at Indianapolis-based PowderKeg’s first live event in over three years! This VIP Pitch Night & Launch Party was attended by over 300 executives in the tech community, some of whom flew in from as far away as San Francisco and Denver.

It was a celebration of Indiana as the “Innovation Capital of the Word”… incredibly fitting because Indiana is also the world’s leader in analytical chemistry. As such, our 3-minute pitch mirrored the overall theme of the event, which was recognizing Indiana as an innovation hub and creating solutions for the greater good.

Between several prestigious universities, being a regional hub for life sciences, and our state incentivizing businesses to grow and thrive, there has never been a better time to be a Hoosier in the life sciences industry. We’ve used this to our advantage and have assembled some of the brightest chemistry minds in the world to develop and patent our Proteometer-L Kit.

All of this is with the goal of making a net positive impact on both our community and the world. By providing drug developers with a tool that saves them both money and the time needed to develop life-saving drugs, it’s our hope that more cures will find their way to the market both sooner and cheaper.

To learn more about our technology or to schedule an investor meeting, please reach out directly to our CEO, Paul Dreier, BSc., MBA at

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